Friday, July 31, 2009

Idea #29 Real Time Social Shopping With Twitter Automation

Social shopping harnesses the power of social networks to make better purchase decisions by leveraging the experience of other users, in real time, not just Amazon ratings, but live interactions with peer buyers.

Yes, the scam products that don't live up to their marketing hype don't deserve a place on earth.

Some smart folks started this, like TribeSmart and ReallyWantThat, but don't quite have the "real time" feel yet.

Here's an idea.

Create a unique hash tag for each product out there. Example, Crocs Cayman Sandal, ASIN B0014BYKI2.

Everyone uses this tag when twitting their experiences, opinions, and critics. Example, "#B0014BYKI2 love the sandal, comfortable, convertible, rating 5".

It is then super easy to check the twitter stream for user comments on this product. Check the tag stream; ask a question with the tag before you buy!

Even further, the aggregated user comments and ratings are automatically scaned and stored on the server. When you twit the product hash tag with a question, you instantly receive a direct message with a link to the detailed rating report (and the best price).

Go social. Go real time.

Update: Impressed by the business model of Groupon, social shopping offer deep discount through the power of group buying, and it's fun.

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